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The Outskirts

Once this area belonged to the county side but as the village grew with time, these homes have come closer and closer to the village so for some it may look like many are really a part of the village but locals call it the outskirts.

These are the families living in the outskirts. The ones in grey will soon be added here. If you click on their names (in purple) it will take you to them.

Sylvanian Wildflower Family
The Wildflower Family

The Wildflower family has been in MV for some time. Alder is a landscape designer, and a very popular one, when he's not working away he helps his sweet wife Angelica with their small shop where you can get everything for your yard and advice if needed regarding it. 
They live in a beautiful cottage that used to be out in the countryside but looks like the village might swallow it soon.


Father Alder

Mother Angelica

Sister Sylvetta

Brother Cilandro

Little sister Peony

Little sister Petal

The Whisker Family
Sylvanian Whisker Family

Father Sebstian

Mother Katrina

Sister Amelia

Little sister Malory

Sylvanian Oakwood Family
The Oakwood Family

Katrina and Sebastian love to travel, they have a beautiful perfume shop and live in a small apartment upstairs they would much rather travel than buy a bigger place. Amelia stays with their relatives the Calico when her parents take trips on schooldays but Malory can still come with them every time just like Amelia did.


The Oakwood family has been in MV for as long as Critters can remember, Ollie grandfather opened Harvester Restaurant and Ollie is now the proud owner and with help from his wife, beautiful Betsy they are renovating it to bring it back to former glory.


Father Ollie

Mother Betsy

Sister Bluebell

Brother Barnaby

Little brother Acorn

The Petite Family
Sylvanian Petite Family

The Petite family have just recently moved to MV, Pete saw an ad at his old workplace that postmen were needed in MV. they had always dreamed about having their own home and agreed that this might be their chance. They are making a home from one of the old windmills that are around in MV.

Pete has a cousin Pete in Sugarbush Valley, their fathers were brothers and they are both named after their grandpa.


Father Pete

Mother Margaret

Brother Piers

Sister Andromeda

Little sister Halley

Baby brother Freddy

The Marmalade Family
Calico Critter Marmalade Family

The Marmalade family has had a house in MV for a long time, they've lived in the city and used the house as a summerhouse for the last generations. Maurice father has a factory in the city but Maurice never wanted anything to do with that, he has always loved the quiet life in MV and his wife Margot never loved the busy city life, she comes from the countryside. Maurice convinced his dad to give him the house in MV but then came the question how could they make a living??? Margot makes delicious jam and marmalade but would that be enough? They weren't snobs but they liked to be important and want to be part of MV. Since they have had a house in MV for so long Maurice has a place at the council if he wants and he does but that's not a paid seat so to say. In one of the meeting where they were discussing how to attract more tourists and get people to stop little longer and not just drive by, Maurice got an idea, there's two empty small shop buildings near the bus stop and close to the road through MV. In one of them there will be a tourist information opening soon and what if in the other one there would be a shop where many of the great items made and sold in Mv were up for sale, like to give critters a taste what MV had to offer??? He took his idea up with Bill and Pete, this shop would be open along with other few shops open on MV day off (Country Market and Bus Station). That way MV would not close down completely but instead he wanted lower rent on the shop. On next council meeting it was agreed to give this idea a try and that night at home with his dear Margot they decided the name and it wasn't long until the Village Shop was open for business, where they sell Margots jam and marmalade and samples of other MV made items. Maurice loves to talk to the tourist and tell them the story of MV and what's going on there. Margot favorite time of the day is when she can sit in her chair with decoration magazines and dream about how to decorate their home that has had the same furniture for decades and is long overdue.


Father Maurice

Mother Margot

Sister Jenna

Brother Oscar

Baby brother Kit

The Tailbury Family

Father Victor

Mother Purdy

Brother Tam

Sister Jeanie

Little sister Bouncer

Little brother Tinker


Grandfather Roland

Grandmother Jacqueline

Like his father Victor is a teacher in MV. Roland is supposed to be retired but he loves to go downstairs and talk to the students before he goes golfing. Also if Victor or other teachers need vacation he is more than happy to fill in for them. Jackqueline used to teach knitting and sewing but Purdy has not been too eager to fill her spot. They have apartment above the school which Tam is really happy with because then he doesn't have to walk far to get to school which he loves and looks like he will follow his father and grandfather footsteps.

Sylvanian Digger Mole Family
The Digger family

Before the kids go to school in the morning they help their dad. After they leave Graber goes with his first flower cart to the flower shop, when all needed flowers have been delivered he takes a cart to the market. Bill has offered to get him help with delivering the flowers but he likes it this way and says the walks keeps him young. Graber is so proud of his kids and especially his two girls that he calls his most precious flowers. Even though they are not very old they are incredible helpful to their dad, Magnolia helps with their little bother allot and meantime Schlamm is happy to be able to be outside helping with watering the flowers. After Lillia recently discovered reading she loves to sit outside and read. Bambi loves to be out helping, but how much help gets done is questionable so the girls try to occupy him with other activities so their father can be done quicker and come inside to read them a story or their favorite tell them stories of their mom.

Graber has a 2 sisters, Heidi Mcburrow in Sugarbush Valley and Molly in Marigold Creek.

Dad - Graber

Sister - Magnolia

Sister - Lillia

Brother -Schlamm

Baby - Bambi


Graber - Digger in German

Schlamm - mud (for muddy) in german

Bambi - from bambino

The Jardinero family
Sylvanian Jardinero Mole family

Father Woodruff

mother Erica

Sister Heather

Baby sister Gera

The Jardinero family keep mostly to them self. They grow flowers with Grabber Mcburrow.

Sylvanian Cottontail Grandparents

Grandfather Christopher

Grandmother Carmen

Christopher and Carmen have always had a very soft spot for orphanages, Blake Mable and Andrew Brightfield were so fortunate to been taken under their wings and they never left MV. Doris Sea-Breeze another that was raised up by them has just contacted Christopher and Carmen to let them know that she and her family will be coming soon to MV, but for how long she doesn’t know but there will be no need to set up a room for them, which Carmen thought was strange, oh well she had always gone her own different ways.

Bill is an orphanage and after meeting with Christopher and Carmen he always thought how wonderful it would have been if he had came across them when he was young. He decided that he wanted a orphanage in MV a place where young orphanage critters could find care, trust shelter and most importantly to feel loved. At first he sought help and guidance to Christopher and Carmen but it wasn’t long until they took over. When the orphanage was built they moved in, said that it would be important that this wasn’t an intuition but a home. Today they run it and live there, they do get daily help but refuse to take long vacation.

Sylvanian Meadow Family
The Meadows Family

Father Jack

mother Maise

Little sister Daysie

Baby brother Noah

Baby sister Jess

The Meadows grow the most delicous strawberries. Usually Maise helps her husband but since the twins were born he has hired Björn Cashew to help out. Maise simple has enough with the kids. Daysie has just started pre-school and Maise would rather have the twins at home than at a daycare, symply because shw loves the time with them. She does though leave them at Northern Daycare once a week and does errands, picks little Daysie up early and together they go for a ice cream or some nice treat. On her way home with Daysie dancing in front of the stroller she often thinks that she must be the happiest critter.

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